Codified and Pending Ordinances. The following list encompasses all legislative enactments received by the Municipal Code since the most recent update, whether in printed or electronic form, to the Ordinances Code.
Village Of Bonney, Mayor
Ordinance 1-2025 Calling for General Election May 3, 2025
Ordinance 2-2025 Amending Ordinance 4-2024 FY2024-2025 Budget
Ordinance 3-2025 Cancellation of General Election May 3, 2025
Ordinance 4-2025 Annexing Certain Property In and Adjoining BCMUD 64
Ordinance 5-2025 Annexing Certain Property In and Adjoining BCMUD 88
Ordinance 2-2023 Calling Adopting of Sales Tax
Ordinance 4-2023 Granting Universal Natural Gas Franchise Agreement
Ordinance 5-2023 Consenting to the Creation of MUD No.64
Ordinance 6-2023 Concerning the Adoption of Sales And Use Tax
Ordinance 7-2023 Amending Certain Conditions to the Creation of MUD No. 44
Ordinance 14-2021 Establishing New Fee Schedule
Ordinance 13-2021 Prohibiting Fill, Excavation Changes in Drainage
Ordinance 12-2021 Regulating use of streets by Heavy Vehicles
Ordinance 11-2021 Fee Schedule Ordinance with Fee Schedule
Ordinance 9-2021 Bonney Ordinance Amending Drainage Chapter 5 of DCM
Ordinance 8-2021 Bonney Flood Ordinance
Ordinance 7-2021 Bonney Subdivision Ordinance w Table of Contents
Ordinance 3-2015 Enforcement & Restrictions of Land Use
Ordinance 3-2014 Annexing 74.42 Acres Tract
Ordinance 4-2006 Sexual Offenders
Ordinance 7-2006 Mobile Home and Manufactured Requirements
Ordinance 8-2006 Regulating Recreation Vehicles
Ordinance 10-2006 Regulating Speed Zones
Ordinance 3-2005 Creation of MUD #44
Ordinance 4-1988 Flood Management Amendment
Ordinance 3-1988 Emergency Management Mitigation
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