The Village Of Bonney

City Secretary

City Secretary

Hellen Perales

Hellen Perales serves as the City Secretary for the Village of Bonney. The office of the City Secretary is part of the city administration. Ms. Perales is responsible for the administration and retention of ordinances, agendas, minutes and open record request, in additions to her duties, she manages permit applications and Community Center and Pavilion rentals for the city. 


The office of the City Secretary is at the forefront of the legislature and administrative processes in local government. The City Secretary performs the duties assigned by various state statues and city ordinances and guarantees the legality and accuracy of official City documents and provides for their safe keeping. The City Secretary attends all meetings of the City Council and keeps accurate minutes of the proceedings. Tasks assigned to this office include:

  • Assist in preparation of City Council agendas and packets.
  • Email agenda to City Council.
  • Records and transcribes council meeting minutes.
  • Custodian of all City Council minutes, ordinances, resolutions, proclamations, interlocal agreements and permanent records.
  • Election law training.
  • Post Legal Notices.
  • Processes Open Records Requests.
  • Prepare check requests.
  • Prepare documents for Fiscal Year Budget planning and review.
  • Maintain website
Call M / W / F

(281) 595-2269


Contact City Secretary